Archive News

Communiqué on fake articles circulating on social media platforms

CIEL Limited would like to bring to your attention the emergence of false and misleading information circulating on several social media platforms concerning our Deputy Group Chief Executive, Mr. Guillaume Dalais.

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CIEL Group reports increased profits for the first half ended 31 December 2023

Commenting on the results, Jean-Pierre Dalais, Group Chief Executive of CIEL Limited said: “Our half-year results reflect our agility and capacity to seize market opportunities, notably through our strategic positioning in high-potential geographic areas such as Africa and India. We continue to focus on enhancing our portfolio and delivering steady value to our stakeholders. We will remain financially prudent; ensure we boost our operational excellence whilst being active on new investment opportunities.”

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Nathalie Daynes appointed as CEO of MITCO

CIEL Finance wishes to announce that Mrs. Nathalie Daynes, Deputy CEO of MITCO, has been appointed as the Chief Executive Officer of MITCO Group Ltd, effective from 1st February 2024. MITCO is a Corporate, Private Client and Fund Services Group operating in the Global Business Sector in Mauritius and with offices in Dubai and Seychelles. Nathalie will be succeeding Mahen Govinda, who will be assuming the role of Chairman of the MITCO Trust Company and taking a new role at the Group level.

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CIEL appoints Mark van Beuningen as Group Strategy & Investment Executive

CIEL is pleased to announce the appointment of Mark van Beuningen as Group Strategy & Investment Executive, effective from May 1st, 2024.

Mark’s addition to our leadership team represents a significant move - reinforcing our strong focus on growth, with a specific emphasis on expanding our presence in Asia, notably India, and East Africa. In his role, Mark will oversee our Group corporate and investment strategy and its execution, building on existing strengths and accelerating new growth drivers.

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Jean-Noël Wong Wan Khin appointed CEO of CIEL Properties

CIEL Properties is pleased to announce the appointment of Jean-Noël Wong Wan Khin as Chief Executive Officer, effective from January 1st, 2024.

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REGENERATION URBAINE - Evolis Properties réalise une émission d’obligations d’une valeur de Rs 2 milliards

Evolis Properties, une entité de CIEL Properties, vient de réaliser avec succès une levée de fonds de Rs 640 millions, première étape de son programme d’émission d’obligations. Ces fonds permettront à Evolis Properties de renforcer sa position en tant que leader dans le domaine de la régénération de bâtiments, tout en accélérant le développement de son portefeuille de projets en cours. L’entreprise prévoit l’émission d’un total de Rs 2 milliards d’obligations sur une période de 5 ans.

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Leadership Announcement

The Board of Directors (“Board”) of CIEL Limited (“CIEL” or “Company”) wishes to inform its shareholders and the public in general that Mr. Jean-Pierre Dalais has decided to retire as Group Chief Executive of CIEL on 30 June 2024. The Board places on record its highest appreciation of Mr. Jean-Pierre Dalais’ leadership and his contribution to the growth of the Group since he joined in 1989. Mr. Jean-Pierre Dalais will retain a seat on the Board of CIEL.

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CIEL Group posts MUR 4.3 bn Profit after Tax for the financial year ended 30 June 2023

Key highlights

The strategy execution across regions led to a strong financial performance

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Seule une approche structurée en ESG peut rendre l’entreprise plus responsable

Longtemps montrées du doigt pour les conséquences sociales et environnementales de leurs activités, les entreprises multiplient les actions en matière de durabilité. Pour le Group Head of HR and Sustainability du Groupe CIEL, il faut plus qu’un engagement pour avoir un impact positif réel. La question de la durabilité doit être stratégique, c’est-à-dire que les initiatives doivent être mesurées mais surtout intégrées aux objectifs mêmes de performance. 

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CIEL Properties welcomes Jean-Noël Wong Wan Khin as Chief Operating Officer

CIEL Properties is pleased to announce the appointment of Jean-Noël Wong Wan Khin as Chief Operating Officer, effective from July 1st, 2023.

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CIEL Group delivers strong double-digit revenue growth across the portfolio leading to a solid net profit ofMUR 2.84 bn for the nine months to 31 March 2023

CIEL Group delivers strong double-digit revenue growth across the portfolio leading to a solid net profit of
MUR 2.84 bn for the nine months to 31 March 2023

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Un protocole d’accord signé entre CIEL Textile et l’UoM

CIEL Textile et l’Université de Maurice ont conclu un protocole d’accord (Memorandum of Understanding) pour une collaboration privilégiée en matière de recherche et de formation professionnelle. La cérémonie de signature s’est tenue ce mercredi 3 mai au campus de Réduit. Ce MoU permettra au groupe textile d’être accompagné par les équipes académiques dans ses réflexions sur les défis de l’industrie et aux étudiants d’accéder plus facilement au marché de l’emploi.

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"Il ne faut pas « fix the women », il faut surtout « fix the environment »"​

CIEL a tenu, pour la première fois, un Women Forum ce 8 mars, pour mobiliser l’ensemble de ses cadres féminins autour d’une initiative visant à faciliter leur avancement au sein du groupe. Un travail qui a démarré il y a un peu plus d’an.

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CIEL – Diversification, résilience et agilité quels sont les points forts de vos secteurs d’activités ?

Groupe mauricien d’investissements diversifiés coté à la bourse de Maurice depuis 2014, le groupe Ciel est présent dans 6 secteurs d’activités. Après avoir débuté dans l’exploitation de la canne à sucre en 1912, le groupe s’est lancé dans le textile dans les années 70 et s’est diversifié par la suite dans les domaines de la finance, de la santé, de l’hôtellerie et de l’immobilier.

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Ferney accueille le premier projet d’un agrihood mauricien avec Montagne du Lion Farm Living

Agriculture durable, autonomie énergétique et maisons bioclimatiques au cœur du projet Montagne du Lion Farm Living de CIEL Properties dans la nature préservée du sud-est de Maurice

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Annonce stratégique - Guillaume Dalais nommé Deputy Group Chief Executive du Groupe CIEL

Guillaume Dalais nommé Deputy Group Chief Executive du Groupe CIEL

Dans le cadre de son plan de succession, le Conseil d’Administration du Groupe CIEL a annoncé la
nomination de Guillaume Dalais en tant que Deputy Group Chief Executive à compter du 1er Janvier


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Floréal, 50 years of excellence

Floréal celebrated its 50th anniversary on Wednesday, 26 October, in its former premises in Mangalkhan, now refurbished and converted into a modern and elegant business centre known as Nouvelle Usine. The setting of this building has kept its original features. It embodies the leading Mauritian textile group's devotion, values, and determination to place sustainability at the heart of its development. "With Nouvelle Usine, we are entering a new era of shared and sustainable growth", summarised Jean-Pierre Dalais, Chairman of the Board of CIEL Textile.

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CIEL Textile célèbre l’excellence de ses talents

Le Chairman's Manufacturing Excellence Awards (CMEA) de CIEL Textile, un événement bisannuel récompensant les talents et les performances exceptionnels des 19 unités du groupe, a pris une nouvelle dimension cette année. 


Contrairement aux précédentes éditions, la cérémonie réunissait les segments Apparel (confection) et Capital-Intensive (tissage et filature). Les Chairman’s Manufacturing Excellence Awards, ont été décernés à Aquarelle Inde - RCC et FSM Carding and Spinning, représentant respectivement chacun de ces segments. Ce prix vient récompenser l’unité ayant démontré les meilleurs niveaux d’excellence toutes catégories confondues.

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Luxury Mauritian Hotel Group, Sun Resorts enters a new era as “Sunlife”

Mauritian hotel brand formerly known as Sun Resorts unveils its exciting rebrand and rebirth, Sunlife.

Mauritian hotel group, Sun Resorts has announced an exciting new rebrand, unveiling the new Sunlife, not just a new name but a reimagined philosophy and culture across all areas of the guest experience, building on the brand’s 45 plus years of history and heritage. The rebrand includes the newly launched ‘Come Alive Collection’ – a range of unique in resort experiences for guests to enjoy including Energy Gym, Sega Zoomba and Putting on the Ritz to name just a few. 

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CIEL Limited posts robust financial results for the year ended 30 June 2022

For the year ended 30 June 2022, CIEL Limited reported a robust set of financial results, notwithstanding the backdrop of macroeconomic disruptions and a weakening global economy. 

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CIEL Properties lance Evolis

Le Groupe CIEL, à travers son pôle immobilier lance Evolis Properties. La mission de cette nouvelle entité de CIEL Properties est de venir consolider certains actifs du Groupe en fin de vie et les transformer en des lieux dynamiques, prêts à accueillir une nouvelle génération d’acteurs économiques et sociaux.

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Making a difference in sustainable knitwear

As Floreal celebrates its 50th anniversary this year, Amit Khullar, Chief Executive Officer of Floreal Group, shares his drive and passion for making a difference when it comes to sustainable knitwear by taking steps to reduce waste, cut carbon emissions and improve the well-being of its people.

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Bank One is pleased to announce that it has received a Long-Term Issuer Default Rating (IDR) of ‘BB- ‘with a Stable Outlook from Fitch Ratings for its first rating exercise.  

On 27th June - The rating was made public by Fitch Ratings (London) and Bank One is now ranked among the top 15 banks in Sub Saharan Africa. 

“I am delighted that after working closely with Fitch Ratings over the past months, we have been awarded such a positive rating. The new rating confirms our reputation as a trusted partner for our customers and we look forward to growing our business in Mauritius and the rest of Sub Saharan Africa.” said Mark Watkinson, CEO of Bank One. 

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Mauritius-listed African investment company CIEL Limited (CIEL.N0000) delivered its best year-to-date results since the COVID-19 pandemic, surpassing its previous performance just as it celebrates its 110th anniversary. 

In the nine months to 31 March 2022, CIEL’s revenue grew 51% to USD 475 million, with an EBITDA margin increasing to 16.8% from 12.2% in the prior-year period.

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CIEL Limited delivered a solid performance across its diversified portfolio in the nine months ended 31 March 2022.

In the nine months to 31 March 2022, CIEL achieved 51% revenue growth while delivering robust EBITDA margins and improved Free Cash Flows. Third quarter earnings confirm a solid year-to-date trajectory, notwithstanding the ongoing logistical and pandemic-related challenges in certain sectors as well as the indirect impacts from the Ukraine/Russia conflict on cost inflation.

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C-Lab: Unlocking the benefits of genomics

As we look back, the pandemic has paved the way for a new era in medical diagnostics in Mauritius, where genomic data will increasingly drive the future of health care. As our ability to read genes becomes faster and cheaper, genetic sequencing is leading the way for everything from enhanced disease surveillance to personalised care referred to as precision medicine.

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CIEL célèbre ses équipes et l’innovation

Se réinventer, expérimenter, inspirer, saisir de nouvelles opportunités ; l’innovation est au cœur de la stratégie du Groupe.

CIEL encourage cet esprit « intrapreneurial » depuis toujours parmi ses collaborateurs. En lançant il y a trois ans le CIEL Innovation Awards, le Groupe est venu catalyser une culture d’innovation, stimuler les idées et faire émerger des projets impactants au sein du Groupe.

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CIEL announces strong performance from its diversified portfolio for the half-year ended 31 December 2021

In the first six months of the 2021-2022 financial year, CIEL reported strong growth and improved profitability. This rebound highlights CIEL’s competitiveness in fast-growing international markets and its pertinent strategic positioning. The agility of the group and its capacity to rebound is reflected in the 5.8 percentage point increase in the EBITDA margin to 17.1%. The continued upward trend in profit after tax further demonstrates the effectiveness of its business models which combined with strong cost management discipline and conclusive restructuring has helped the group successfully navigate the last two years of the pandemic.

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CIEL Properties s’attelle à la régénération de son parc industriel : l’usine de Floréal Knitwear transformée en une destination urbaine nouvelle génération.

Les équipes de CIEL Properties travaillent depuis plusieurs mois maintenant à l’optimisation des actifs industriels du Groupe et lancent cette semaine la commercialisation d’un projet unique en son genre. C’est l’ancienne usine de Floréal Knitwear, situé au cœur de Mangalkhan, qui fera l’objet d’un ambitieux projet de régénération.  Ce projet de réhabilitation vise à transformer l’ancienne usine en une destination urbaine qui promeut l’entreprenariat au sein d’un univers industriel complètement repensé

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CIEL ‘Go Beyond Gender’ programme rolled-out across clusters

With the vision to promote the development of women at work and an ambitious target of 35% of women at management level by 2030, CIEL Go Beyond gender programme is being rolled out across the Group. Check out the pictures of the first CIEL Textile ‘Go Beyond Gender’ forum where top leaders and participants across Mauritius, India, Madagascar and Bangladesh were gathered. Sub-working groups will now be tackling specific topics with the view to implement action plan across the organisation.

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Il faut tendre vers des projets bas-carbone

CIEL a récemment mis l’accent sur l’immobilier avec la création du pôle immobilier que vous dirigez, quels sont les objectifs du groupe dans ce secteur ?

Le Groupe CIEL, au travers de ses différents secteurs d’activités, dispose d’actifs immobiliers importants et la mise en place du pôle CIEL Properties nous permet de mobiliser une équipe dédiée afin d’optimiser leur gestion. C’est aussi pour nous une volonté de planifier de manière stratégique notre développement en accélérant la transition et l’efficience énergétique de nos bâtiments, en identifiant des synergies potentielles et en créant des concepts novateurs qui trouvent écho sur le marché.

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A Story about Data - CIEL Finance Data Services

Data! Data! Data! From line managers to executives – everyone is asking: What are we doing about our data journey? Can we trust this data? What insights are you pulling from the data? And of course, can we make a dashboard with this data…?

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Katapult launches impact accelerator in Mauritius

During the last years, Katapult has developed several close partnerships in Mauritius and the region. Katapult is now launching the Katapult Mauritius Accelerator at Ferney Agri-hub in partnership with CIEL, IBL Group, Currimjee Group and MCB Group.

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C-Care driving innovation

Congratulations to all the participants of the C-Care Innovation Awards which was held earlier this week. Aimed at stimulating innovative ideas and impactful projects, the C-Care Innovation Awards saw the participation of colleagues from all business units of the Group. During the event, innovation was not solely represented by new technologies or methods, but also by the process of uncovering new and different ways to do things and #GoBeyond!

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Throwback to the CIEL Innovation Awards Jury convention days!

Teams from the different clusters of CIEL showcased their innovative projects and ideas to our jury under one of the three categories: DigitalTransformation, ReinventingCustomerExperience and SustainableSolutions. This 2nd edition and the high quality of projects and ideas presented is a testimony of CIEL’s commitment to Go Beyond and how we are embracing change through innovation across the Group.

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CIEL Textile at the 2021 UN Climate Change conference COP26

Another major step on CIEL Textile’s mission to improve fashion everyday: we will be present next month at the 2021 UN Climate Change conference COP26 - a 3-day Summit event organised by the United Nations - to share CIEL Textile’s actions on how to holistically drive sustainability! As part of this recognition, Bertrand Thevenau and Quentin Thorel will be heading to Edinburg on the 8th to 10th of November to share CIEL Textile’s work with the UN delegation and other climate leaders from around the globe. Kudos to the team and stay tuned!

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Launch of Pop by Bank One

The first and only universal digital payment solution in Mauritius… This is how we could describe Pop in a few words! With the desire to make financial services accessible to everyone in Mauritius, no matter where they bank and offering a great user experience to their customers on the platform, Bank One positions itself as a key player in the digital financial services sector in the island. Congratulations to the whole team working on this app!

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CIEL Limited reports financial results for the full year ended 30 June 2021

The decisive actions taken by CIEL in response to the global pandemic in early 2020 have enabled the Group to emerge stronger and leaner out of the crisis. Group revenue of MUR 17.9 bn and EBITDA of MUR 2.7 bn resulted in an EBITDA margin of 15.1% for the financial year ended 30 June 2021 (2020: 14.6%), despite revenue that has not yet fully recovered to pre-pandemic levels. CIEL’s profit after tax for the year stood at MUR 446M compared to MUR 2,178M losses in the prior period.

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Ongoing reforestation programme by CIEL Textile Madagascar

With the objective of restoring forest landscape to safeguard biodiversity, more than 400 employees from Aquarelle, Laguna, Tropic and Floreal Madagascar gathered with local associations to plant trees in different areas of Madagascar. To date, more than 100,000 trees have been planted. Congrats to our CIEL Textile teams in contributing to a healthier planet!

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Bank One announces new additions to its senior leadership team

Bank One is pleased to announce new appointments to its Management Executive Committee to support its growth strategy and long-term strategic focus in Sub-Saharan Africa. Bhavya Shah joins as Head of Personal Financial Services and Kenny Morton as Head of Regulatory Affairs.

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Sun launches a new digital campaign #MyfirstSUNkissed

In line with the reopening of borders in Mauritius, Sun launches a campaign showcasing essentially the core emotions travellers can/could feel when visiting Mauritius after months of confinement. Travellers are encouraged to share their pictures with their digital community to spread some happy vibes after the rough times the tourism industry has been through. Check out the hashtag on the different social media platforms to discover beautiful pictures of Mauritius island.

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Banking on digital channels to get ahead in the new normal

In Mauritius, as across the world, the move to digital payments has been noticeable following the COVID-19 outbreak. While mobile money wallets, online banking platforms and contactless payments had been gaining traction even before the pandemic broke, the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on accelerating the adoption of digital payments in Mauritius cannot be underestimated.

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4th edition of the CIEL Women Network

More than 20 women working across various business clusters of the Group gathered to share their work and life experiences around topics related to women empowerment and leadership, in the presence of Christine Sauzier, Sheila Ujoodha and Delphine Ahnee. One more step towards increasing gender equality and enabling economic growth and human development!

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Protecting our coastline

Sun employees have participated in a clean-up, both on the East and West coast of the island, in collaboration with surrounding resorts and local authorities. Kudos to all Sun employees who generously donated of their time and energy to help protect the coastline of Mauritius!

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CIEL Textile: new partnership for more transparency

CIEL Textile partners with leading B2B platform, Serai, to enhance its supply chain traceability, thus helping the Group gain deeper insights and important metrics. This partnership will allow the Group to drive operational efficiencies and greater supply chain transparency, a key step on its sustainability journey.

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Replacing plastics with organic cotton socks

What if we could eliminate plastic potting bags? This is the challenge CFL team, in partnership with La Vallée de Ferney Conservation Trust, successfully worked on. 2,000 biodegradable socks were produced enabling a smooth transplantation and completely removing plastics from the process. Well done to CFL and Ferney.

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CIEL TEXTILE publishes its first “Sustainability Report” while engaging with its partners and customers around sustainable development.

100% digital, CIEL Textile is pleased to present its first sustainability report developed in accordance with GRI standards. The report entitled “Winning Well” provides a transparent overview of the current state of the Group’s sustainability achievements and progress. It demonstrates CIEL Textile’s objective to be a “Sustainable Global Fashion Partner” for leading international fashion brands.

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Sun Resorts publishes its Sustainability Report

Committed to applying daily sustainability practices in the way it does hospitality, Sun Resorts shared recently its Sustainability Report showcasing its efforts, and achievements towards strong ESG practices.

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Alteo affiche des résultats positifs pour les neuf premiers mois de l’année financière

Hausse des profits pour le groupe Alteo. C’est ce qui ressort du rapport financier du groupe pour les neuf premiers mois de l’année financière 2020-2021, publié ce 13 mai 2021. En effet, les profits nets comptabilisés du groupe opérant dans les secteurs du sucre, de l’énergie et du développement foncier, passent de Rs 802 millions en mars 2020 à Rs 1 459 millions en mars 2021. Cette augmentation s’explique principalement par une bonne performance des activités sucrières du groupe en Tanzanie. Le pôle immobilier du groupe affiche, lui, de moins bons résultats pour la période écoulée dû à l’impact de la pandémie.

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BNI MADAGASCAR soutient 133 jeunes entrepreneurs

Dans le cadre du projet ‘Titre Vert’ lancé par le Président de la République malgache Andry Rajoelina, BNI MADAGASCAR apporte un soutien financier à 133 jeunes entrepreneurs dans le domaine de l’agriculture. C’est à travers le programme FIHARIANA de la 2e marque de la
BNI MADAGASCAR, KRED que la banque aide les entrepreneurs agricoles malgaches dans le développement de leurs activités.

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A full year now has elapsed since the start of the global COVID-19 pandemic which caused recurring periods of lockdowns as well as travel and operating restrictions in Mauritius and abroad. In this year like no other, CIEL Group’s results continue to show resilience. The particularly good performance of the Textile, Healthcare and Agro & Property clusters reflect the benefits of the Group’s diversified investment portfolio and geographical footprint.

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Mask-up! C-Care nurses remind us of the importance of respecting COVID protocols

On 12 May, C-Care celebrated International Nurses Day to shed light on the commitment and passion of its nursing staff. It was also an opportunity to reemphasise the crucial role of medical staff during this pandemic and the importance of respecting COVID protocols to keep each other safe

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Our leaders in the last issue of MEDEF PARIS magazine

Jean-Pierre Dalais, and Patrick Lee, CEO of MITCO Group answered few questions on the Group’s strong relationship with France, the impacts and economic recovery post COVID-19, and high-end services provided in the Global Business and Corporate Services sector, respectively.

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CIEL’s first Sustainability Dashboard is out!

Aiming to track our progress against our objectives - which have been announced in CIEL’s 2020-2030 Sustainability Strategy, the 2019-2020 Sustainability dashboard will allow our teams to accelerate the Group’s sustainability efforts and #GoBeyond waste pollution, gender equalities, climate change, biodiversity loss and social inequalities.

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CIEL Textile on CNN Africa

Check out this video by CNN Africa showcasing how CIEL Textile is reinventing itself by betting on technology and sustainability to be the best global fashion partner.

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Jean-Pierre Dalais: « Un plan de relance agressif est nécessaire »

Dans une interview accordée au journal Le Défi Plus, Jean-Pierre Dalais partage son opinion sur les conditions de la relance et le développement économique futur.

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Citigroup décerne le Straight-Through Processing Excellence Award à Bank One

Bank One a le plaisir d’annoncer que Citigroup lui a récemment remis le Straight-Through Processing (STP) Excellence Award en reconnaissance de sa performance exceptionnelle dans le traitement des paiements internationaux, en particulier en dollars américain et en euros.

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Corporate Banking: focusing on opportunities and innovation in challenging times

Fareed Soobadar, Head of Corporate Banking at Bank One, explains that it is time for Mauritius to seize business opportunities in Africa, against a challenging international backdrop, and that innovation and digitalisation will be the watchwords for the future to meet customer needs and expectations in the corporate banking arena.

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Happy International Women's Day

For a world where our voices may always be heard, respected and valued...

Happy International Women’s Day!

To mark this day, we wanted to highlight seven women of the Group sharing their career path and views of this special day:

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Lakshman Bheenick takes the helm of CIEL Finance

The Board of Directors of CIEL Finance is pleased to announce the appointment of Lakshman Bheenick as CEO of CIEL Finance, as of 1 March, 2021. He succeeds Marc-Emmanuel Vives who expressed his wish to leave the company for personal and family reasons.

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CIEL delivers strong operational performance across all its clusters except for its tourism activities which continue to weigh on the Group’s results

CIEL published today its results for the first semester ended 31st of December 2020. The Group is demonstrating tangible recovery from the unprecedented disruption caused by the coronavirus pandemic outbreak nearly a year ago. While the Hotels & Resorts cluster will continue to weigh on the Group’s profits until the complete restart of the industry, CIEL’s positioning in international markets and strategic segments shows strong operational results, particularly from its Healthcare and Agro & Property clusters but also its Finance cluster.

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Alteo célèbre ses talents avec le premier RISE Awards

Reconnaitre les employés du groupe qui représentent le mieux les valeurs d’Alteo. Tel est l’objectif du RISE Award 2020, lancé par André Bonieux, CEO d’Alteo. Ainsi, 34 employés du groupe, Staff et Non-staff, ont ainsi été nominés par leurs chefs d’équipes respectifs et 8 d’entre eux, sélectionnés par un jury composé d’André Bonieux, Sebastien Lavoipierre, COO des activités industrielles, Arnaud d’Unienville, COO des activités agricoles d’Alteo et Sophie Strauss, HR Executive d’Alteo, ont été récompensés. 33 des 34 nominés étaient réunis à l’occasion d’une cérémonie de remise de prix, (Patrick Yene Teck a lui reçu le prix pour sa collegue Chantal Rivalland absente), qui s’est tenue dans le Club House d’Alteo Union Flacq, le vendredi 15 janvier 2021.

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CIEL Finance announces the appointment of Patrick Lee as CEO of MITCO

CIEL Finance announces the appointment of Patrick Lee as Chief Executive Officer of MITCO Group Ltd (“MITCO”), a Trust and Corporate Services Group operating in the Global Business and Corporate Services.

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Bank One: first in Mauritius to receive LinkedIn training

Bank One is proud to have received on July 15, 2019 the first LinkedIn training in Mauritius with Audrey Mascheroni, Account Director for LinkedIn (Africa) on leveraging the power of LinkedIn as an executive.

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Victoires du Tourisme 2019 : Sun Resorts élu meilleure chaîne hôtelière

Le groupe Sun Resorts est fier d’annoncer sa victoire en tant que meilleure chaîne hôtelière, parmi une trentaine de nommés, aux Victoires du Tourisme. La soirée s’est déroulée jeudi 13 juin à Paris devant quelques 300 invités.

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Victoire de l’équipe mauricienne de golf pour les JIOI 2019 à Anahita

L’épreuve de golf des Jeux des Iles est un immense succès pour Maurice, aussi bien en équipe et qu’en individuel ! Au total 4 médailles d’or sont remportées par les athlètes nationaux.

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Anahita accueillera l’épreuve de golf des JIOI 2019

Du 20 au 23 juillet 2019, la 10ème édition des Jeux des Îles se tiendra à Maurice avec des athlètes venus des quatre coins de l’océan Indien qui se retrouveront pour une semaine de célébration du sport et des valeurs qu’il véhicule. Parmi toutes les disciplines présentes dans ces JIOI et grâce à l’initiative de la Fédération mauricienne, se trouve le golf, qui sera en démonstration comme ce fut le cas en 2015 lors des JIOI à la Réunion.

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Shelan's Corner: The do’s and don’ts in designing a CV in 2019

A curriculum vitae (CV) is the Latin word for "the course of your life”. Leonardo da Vinci invented the first professional profile in 1482, which we call as the résumé. Since then, it has been used extensively in the recruitment process. However, does the curriculum vitae as we’ve known it for centuries stand in 2019? Shelan our Talent Acquisition Specialist tells us more about the do’s and don’ts in designing a CV today.

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Le développement durable : l’opportunité de révolutionner l’industrie du textile

Tribune de Pami Kular, Responsable développement durable de CIEL Textile, publiée dans les colonnes de Business Magazine le mercredi 19 juin 2019. Vous le savez certainement, l’industrie du textile est considérée comme étant l’une des plus polluantes. Fort de ce constat, il est de notre responsabilité d’agir. Mais par où commencer ? Comment faire ? Comment améliorer les choses tout en restant compétitif sans mettre à mal la viabilité et le futur de l’entreprise ? Au niveau de CIEL Textile, nous avons fait le choix d’assumer la réalité, mais aussi de nous engager à repenser nos méthodes en impliquant l’ensemble de nos 20 000 employés répartis sur 5 pays. Car le changement passe avant tout par les idées, actions et comportements des hommes et des femmes au quotidien. Ce n’est qu’en pensant différemment que nous pouvons agir différemment !

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Investor’s Circle : 2eme édition réussie pour Bank One Private Banking

Le 23 mai a eu lieu la deuxième Edition de l ’Investor’s Circle organisé par Bank One. Guillaume Passebecq, Head of Private Banking and Wealth Management a rappelé l’origine de cet évènement. Bank One étant en architecture ouverte en terme d’investissement, elle est amené à travailler avec l’ensemble des gérants externes. L’idée d’organiser une réunion ou il serait possible de débattre des sujets liés à la gestion d’actif a rencontré un vif intérêt de la part de ces tiers gérants dès la première Edition de l’Investor’s Circle.

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Reinette, our Facility Management company, celebrates World Food Safety Day

The first ever World Food Safety Day was held on the 7th of June 2019. This day was marked by the United Nations and it recognises that food safety has a critical role in assuring that food stays safe at every stage of the food chain, from production to harvest, processing, storage, distribution, all the way to preparation and consumption. At Reinette, the teams gathered to create awareness around these five keys by having talks, and engaged themselves to respect and adhere to them.

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Sustainability Forum: Cross-fertilisation of knowledge and practice for champions

CIEL Sustainability Champions from CIEL's five industry clusters gathered at Ferney Falaise Rouge on May 14th in a participatory workshop-style forum to share their knowledge, experiences and lessons learnt in sustainable practices. The forum provided a platform for cross-fertilisation and learning and an opportunity to leverage initiatives for greater impact across CIEL’s diversified group.

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Bank One: Elite services for a unique banking experience

Discover Bank One's new tailor-made financial services thanks to Head of Retail Banking, Shehryar Bakht Ali. Elite Banking is this institution's promise of value, convenience and lifestyle benefits for affluent customers looking for a service provider with the ability to respond to their changing needs and expectations... Just a consultation away to turn your life into a masterpiece of joy by achieving your dreams.

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"CIEL Cyber Security Committee" : Un bouclier contre le cybercrime

Aujourd’hui, toutes les entreprises, quels que soient leur taille et leur secteur d’activité, doivent faire face à des cyber-attaques provenant d’organisations criminelles de plus en plus puissantes et efficaces. Par ailleurs, l’espace à protéger est de plus en plus étendu avec l’ouverture et l’interconnexion des entreprises, l’utilisation extensive des smartphones, l’exploitation du cloud pour ne citer que ces exemples. Les nombreuses et récentes attaques réussies dans les secteurs d’activités de notre groupe démontrent l’urgence de se protéger et de devenir proactif face aux menaces du cybercrime. Pour contrer ces menaces, le « Cyber Security Committee » (CSC) a été créé début 2018 au sein du Cluster Finance du Groupe CIEL, avec pour objectif d’aider les entreprises affiliées à améliorer leur capacité à piloter les Cyber-Risques et à déployer une stratégie efficace pour diminuer au maximum ces derniers et leurs impacts.

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BNI MADAGASCAR accompagne le projet national FIHARIANA

Le Président de la République SEM Andry RAJOELINA a lancé officiellement le programme d'appui national FIHARIANA pour développer l’Entrepreneuriat à l’hôtel CARLTON le samedi 18 mai dernier. De par son partenariat avec les chambres régionales de commerce et d’industrie, sa plateforme intégrée de développement des PME, ses produits et services innovants notamment dans les financements aux entreprises et son expertise financière, BNI MADAGASCAR a tous les ingrédients pour soutenir le programme FIHARIANA en accompagnant les entrepreneurs dirigeants de TPME porteurs de projets créateur de valeur.

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BNI MADAGASCAR: Innovating locally with a global perspective

Alexandre Mey, CEO of BNI Madagascar, explains to Global Finance Magazine, the bank's digital strategy and how a commitment to agility, proximity and adaptability has kept BNI in the lead for 100 years.

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2019 Golfers' Choice Award: Ile Aux Cerfs élu meilleur golf à Maurice

Sun Resorts est fier d’annoncer que l’île aux Cerfs Golf Club a été désigné meilleur parcours de golf à Maurice par Ile Aux Cerfs Golf Club raffle ainsi le Golfers’ Choice Award cette année avec une note de 9.1/ est le plus grand site de « reviews » golf en Europe. Le site répertorie et compare 25 098 terrains de golf dans 150 pays. Chaque mois, plus de 375 000 golfeurs utilisent Leadingcourses pour trouver les meilleurs parcours de golf au monde.

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Sun Resorts et Sega Tours accueillent les représentants de l'IAGTO

Du 3 au 10 mai, les hôtels Sun Resorts ont accueilli 13 représentants de plusieurs pays pour un FAM Trip ayant pour but de faire découvrir Maurice comme destination golfique. Fondée en 1997, IAGTO compte 2691 membres issus de clubs, hôtels, terrains de golf, opérateurs réceptifs, compagnies aériennes, offices de tourisme, médias et partenaires commerciaux agréés dans 103 pays. IAGTO c’est également 702 organisateurs de circuits de golf spécialisés dans 64 pays. Les opérateurs d’IAGTO contrôlent plus de 87% des forfaits vacances au golf vendus dans le monde.

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Sun Resorts intègre la Global Hotel Alliance

La Global Hotel Alliance (GHA), la plus grande alliance mondiale de marques hôtelières indépendantes, qui administre le programme de fidélisation multimarque primé DISCOVERY, a annoncé le 7 mai que Sun Resorts sera la dernière marque à intégrer son réseau en pleine expansion de plus de 30 marques indépendantes et 550 hôtels, dans 75 pays.

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BNI MADAGASCAR s’engage auprès des jeunes entrepreneurs dans le milieu agricole

23 avril 2019, quelques jours après la signature de la convention de partenariat entre BNI MADAGASCAR et le Ministère de l’Agriculture, de l’Elevage et de la Pêche concernant le programme de Promotion de l’Entreprenariat des Jeunes dans l’Agriculture et l’Agro-industrie (ou PEJAA), 35 jeunes Agripreneurs originaires de 13 régions du pays, regroupés dans 27 projets de la promotion pilote FANASINA, ont reçu leur Certificat et leur chèque pour leur installation et le financement de leur projet à l’issue de 12 mois de formation auprès du Centre d’incubation du FIFAMANOR Andranomanelatra dans les chaînes de valeur des filières blé, maïs et lait.

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Eshan Rassool : « Tous les éléments autour de moi sont sources d’inspiration, il n’y a pas de limite à la créativité, c’est ce qui fait la beauté de mon métier »

Le « Design Leadership » contribue aujourd’hui à la valeur ajoutée de l’offre de Tropic Knits. Eshan Rassool, Head of Design, compte plus 20 ans d’expérience dans le monde de la mode et nous parle de l’évolution de son métier - développement durable, nouvelles technologies et génération Y entre autres.

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Bank One holds its second CX campaign

From April 8 to 12, Bank One teams enjoyed the thrill of the various CX campaign challenges which culminated in a prize giving on April 19. The aim of the campaign is to strengthen the CX culture and align the staff around the customer.

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ProContact s’installe à l’île Rodrigues

ProContact, en installant ses opérations dès 2001, était un des pionniers des centres d’appels à l’Ile Maurice. Après avoir ouvert un site à Madagascar en 2015, ProContact poursuit son déploiement dans l’Océan Indien suite au raccordement de Rodrigues par le câble sous-marin MARS !

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Fareed Soobadar, Divisional Head – Corporate Banking, Bank One : ", les secteurs du tourisme et de l’immobilier sont... les plus porteurs pour notre économie..."

Interview de Fareed Soobadar, Head of Corporate Banking de Bank One - Défi Media - Sneha Peryagh. Le marché local demeure parsemé de défis avec une croissance moyenne dans quelques secteurs clés comme le tourisme, la grande distribution et l’immobilier uniquement. La petite taille de notre économie et par conséquent, de notre population, sont des restrictions inhérentes à la croissance future qui est attendue pour Maurice.

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Tropic Knits Group adopts 6S management techniques

Lean manufacturing is the systematic approach to identify and eliminate all forms of waste and non-value -added activities (NVA) from the business value stream. It is a comprehensive set of tools & techniques. 6S is a basic tool and the first step in Lean Manufacturing, which is a Japanese concept for organising a standard workplace and work to reduce waste (in terms of searching time, materials, non value-added activities) to provide a safe working environment and to achieve Operational Excellence.

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SHELAN'S CORNER : 1O interview tips to secure your dream job!

If you have interviews coming up, these tips are for you. From pre-interview preparation to post-interview follow up, Shelan’s tips will help you be the best of yourself. Remember, your enthusiasm and attitude will reflect a lot of your personality. Herewith below is how you can secure your dream job.

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Le textile : une industrie du futur!

Nous sommes depuis plus d’une décennie au tournant d’une industrie qui se transforme, une industrie qui doit répondre à l’évolution d’un marché chaque jour plus complexe et plus exigeant. Nous sommes au cœur de l’industrie 4.0 qui remet en question les moyens traditionnels de production. Comment y parvenir ? Il nous faut repenser tous les modèles classiques et bâtir une société agile qui puisse s’adapter aux changements constants des tendances et des marchés.

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BNI MADAGASCAR awarded Best Bank of Madagascar by Global Finance Magazine

Global Finance magazine has announced its 26th annual awards for the World’s Best Banks. The winners of this year’s awards are those banks that attended carefully to their customers’ needs in difficult markets and accomplished better results while laying the foundations for future success. All selections were made by the editors of Global Finance after extensive consultations with corporate financial executives, bankers and banking consultants, and analysts throughout the world.

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Bourse : CIEL Limited fait son entrée sur le SEMSI

L’approche de CIEL en matière de développement durable récompensée par le Comité de Surveillance de la bourse de Maurice. Le Groupe a affiché un score moyen de 80.34% dans les 4 catégories visées par le SEMSI - la Bonne Gouvernance, l’Economie, l’Environnement et le Social - indiquant une bonne performance générale. CIEL Limited, la holding du Groupe et membre du SEM 10, sera donc officiellement listée sur le Stock Exchange of Mauritius Sustainability Index (SEMSI) à partir du vendredi 29 mars.

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Une première à Maurice : Bank One introduit le CashBack et le ‘Free for Life’ sur ses cartes de crédit

Bank One étoffe considérablement son offre relative aux cartes de crédit avec les récompenses CashBack et le ‘Free for Life’, applicables sur toutes ses catégories de cartes individuelles– Classic, Gold, Platinum et Infinite ; une première à Maurice. La particularité du CashBack est que le client n’a aucune intervention à faire, ajoute Shehryar Ali, Head of Retail Banking à la Bank One.

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CIEL Group celebrates the 51st Anniversary of the Independence of Mauritius

On the occasion of the 51st Anniversary of the Independence of Mauritius, CIEL Group has carried out various activities across its clusters. This calendar of activities translates CIEL’s commitment to its values: People at Heart, Excellence at Core and Ethical and Sustainable.

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Le message de Jean-Pierre Dalais, Group Chief Executive, à l'occasion des célébrations du 51eme anniversaire de l'Indépendance de Maurice

51 ans depuis que notre île Maurice a accédé à son Indépendance. Quel chemin parcouru ! Une histoire portée par l’ambition et la vision d’un peuple résilient, ouvert aux autres et tourné vers l’avenir. Bravo à vous citoyens, qui chaque jour, contribuez à l’avancement de notre île par votre passion, votre engagement et votre désir de Go Beyond. Alors que nous marquons, aujourd’hui, une journée fortement symbolique pour tout un peuple, j’ai voulu, humblement, vous partager mes observations.

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Alteo et Quadran inaugurent leur ferme solaire Helios Beau Champ

Issue du partenariat entre le groupe mauricien Alteo et le groupe français Quadran, la ferme photovoltaïque Helios Beau Champ a été inaugurée le 7 mars 2019.

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#IWD2019 : 5 women at CIEL share their navigating paths to gender equality

A balanced world is a better world! As we celebrate the International Women’s Day, it is important for all of us to reflect on and celebrate women’s achievements. We strive as an employer to provide the environment that allows both men and women to grow as we see talent before gender. We are proud to share with you some of the many success stories driven by women at CIEL.

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Annabelle Lonborg-Nielsen, directrice de la 361° Leadership & Management Academy : "Le 'talent management' n'est pas juste un mot à la mode"

Le 'talent management' s'intègre dans une stratégie globale pour atteindre des objectifs concrets de l'entreprise. Interview d'Annabelle Lonborg-Nielsen, directrice de la 361° Leadership and Management Academy - Le Défi Quotidien, 4 mars 2019, par Sneha Peryagh

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Bank One celebrates its 10th anniversary with its clients

Bank One marked its 10 years of existence by gathering its key customers, directors, leadership team and business partners at Sugar Beach Resort in Flic-en-Flac on 5th December 2018 for an evening of celebration and sharing.

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1919-2019 : BNI Madagascar célèbre ses 100 ans !

1919-2019, BNI MADAGASCAR, la vénérable institution centenaire, a toujours été en osmose avec l’histoire économique du pays. Le Samedi 26 janvier dernier, BNI MADAGASCAR a réservé à ses collaborateurs la primeur de la célébration de ce jubilé au Centre de Conférences Internationales d’Ivato.

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One of the largest ovarian cysts (40cm) in the world removed at Wellkin Hospital

One of the largest ovarian cysts was diagnosed and operated laparoscopically at Wellkin Hospital recently. The 15-year-old patient came with a complaint of distended abdomen (belly that was abnormally big, almost like 36 weeks pregnant woman!). CT scan performed detected abnormally large ovarian cyst measuring 40cm x 23cm x 18cm which was pressing against the patient’s chest and other organs. This GIANT ovarian cyst was removed through a laparoscopic surgery (i.e. only small incision) by Dr. Farhad Aumeer (Obstetrician, Gynaecologist and Laparoscopic Surgeon, Wellkin Hospital).

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Ayaz Tajoo, Co-General Manager, Aquarelle Maurice & Madagascar : "Il ne faudrait pas tourner le dos à l'industrie du textile..."

Interview dans le journal Le Dimanche/L'Hebdo - 10-16 février 2019 - Kamlesh Bhuckory Le textile a connu une importante transformation et le talent des travailleurs étrangers aussi bien que celui des Mauriciens est essentiel pour faire tourner cette industrie. Le textile recommence à attirer les mauriciens et offre des possibilités de carrière aussi bien dans le design, le marketing, la formation, la gestion que dans le développement durable...

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CIEL s'équipe d'une plateforme "Talents & Culture"

Gestion des Ressources Humaines : Le développement des talents est une des priorités du Groupe CIEL. D'où la mise en place du concept "Talent & Culture". Questions à Jean-Pierre Dalais, Group Chief Executive Officer de CIEL par Lindsay Prosper pour le journal l'Express.

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Long Beach Hotel awarded "Food Waste Champion" title by Travelife

Long Beach Hotel, 5-star hotel from Sun Resorts has been awarded the "Food Waste Champion" title by Travelife, a certification program that gives hotels, travel businesses and resorts acknowledgement for their sustainable efforts (social, economic and environmental) in the tourism industry.

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New record: 107 babies born in December 2018 at Wellkin Hospital

Wellkin is well equipped to handle and manage all high-risk pregnancies. Our obstetrics unit is equipped with a neonatal intensive unit to care for sick newborns, including pre-term babies. The hospital has once again achieved the highest deliveries ever in a single month. 107 babies were born in the month December 2018. This is the highest ever in a private clinic.

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Tropic Knits part of founding signatories of the UN Fashion Industry Charter for Climate Action

UN Climate Change News, Katowice, 10 December 2018 – The global fashion sector today significantly increased momentum to address climate change by launching the Fashion Industry Charter for Climate Action. Under the auspices of UN Climate Change, leading fashion brands, retailers, supplier organizations, and others, including a major shipping company, have agreed to collectively address the climate impact of the fashion sector across its entire value chain.

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Ferney Spinning Mills: Sustainable Future

Mauritius-based wool yarn producer Ferney Spinning Mills is aiming to capitalise on the growing demand for wool products through a range of new initiatives. Twist spoke to the company’s general manager Mushtaq Sooltangos to find out about the company’s plans.

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Tropic Knits Group participated in the discussion around United Nation Fashion Industry Charter for the Climate Action

Zaynab Khodabocus, Sustainability Manager, participated in the discussion around the Charter in Bonn, Germany, earlier in September together with leaders of the fashion industry who mobilised to fight #ClimateChange.

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« Acheter solidaire » et faire ainsi honneur à l’esprit de Noël !

L’édition 2018 du Marché de Noël poursuit sur sa lancée 2017 avec le concept de « marché itinérant, » c’est-à-dire qu’il se tient dans deux lieux différents pour atteindre un plus large et différent public. Organisé depuis 2011 par la Fondation CIEL Nouveau Regard (FCNR) et (plateforme gérée et financée par la FCNR), le Marché de Noël Solidaire met à l’honneur le travail d’artisans issus du milieu associatif. Ces derniers travaillent de toute manière déjà tout au long de l’année, au cœur d’ateliers créatifs bien structurés, sur des programmes à visée thérapeutique et/ou visant à les renforcer en capacités. L’intégralité des recettes revient aux ONG participantes : OpenMind, Friends in Hope, Autisme Maurice, Centre de Formation Canne en Fleur, Etoile d'Espérance, Le Pont du Tamarinier, Atelier de Formation - Joie de Vivre, Baz'Art Kreasion, Localhands et Fondation pour l'Enfance - Terre de Paix.

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Inauguration de la première 'agence verte' de BNI MADAGASCAR

Opérationnelle depuis déjà quelques semaines dans le quartier d’Antanimasajy, Mahajanga, la première AGENCE VERTE de BNI MADAGASCAR a été inaugurée officiellement le 29 novembre. Cette cérémonie a marqué une étape importante dans la politique de proximité de BNI MADAGASCAR avec l'ouverture de cette troisième agence dans la Cité des Fleurs. Mais l’événement est surtout historique car l’agence d’Antanimasajy, alimentée entièrement à l'énergie solaire, est une illustration de la démarche écoresponsable de BNI MADAGASCAR.

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CIEL Textile empowering communities through 'ACT for our Community' programme

While CIEL Textile has been involved in various CSR-related actions for many years, the Act For Our Community initiative, launched in 2016, brings employees’ involvement to a whole new level. Performing small actions with great love has become part of their value system as they drive several events throughout the year, building solidarity amongst their employees. Some 10,000 employees across five countries, Mauritius, Madagascar, South Africa, India and Bangladesh, have raised more than MUR 7 million to support NGOs in their respective surrounding communities last year.

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André Bonieux appointed CEO Designate at Alteo as from November 1st 2018

André Bonieux officially joined Alteo as CEO Designate on Thursday November 1st 2018. He will work alongside the current CEO, Patrick d’Arifat, until the latter’s retirement at the end of the year. André will officially be named CEO of Alteo on January 1st, 2019.

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#BouzeMoris Band invite à "kree enn Moris meyer"

C’est au travers une chanson que 11 collaborateurs du Groupe CIEL ont décidé de faire bouger les lignes. L’aventure commence en mai de cette année, avec le lancement de la plateforme par le Groupe CIEL. Les citoyens sont invités à partager leurs idées et initiatives pour faire Maurice avancer, ce qui a inspiré quelques collègues du Groupe à venir de l’avant avec le projet de créer une chanson pour faire littéralement bouze toute l’île.

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« Octobre Rose » pour Wellkin Hospital et Fortis Clinique Darné

Wellkin Hopsital et Fortis Clinique Darné ont organisé durant le mois d’octobre des activités consacrées à la sensibilisation et à la promotion du dépistage du cancer du sein. Le dépistage précoce est l’un des moyens les plus efficaces dans la lutte contre le cancer du sein.

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CIEL Ferney Trail 2018 : 5 questions à Sandrine Busviah, 2e au classement Senior & 1ère au classement général (F) des employés du Groupe CIEL

CIEL Ferney Trail 2018 : 3700 participants, 200 volontaires et quelques 1000 collaborateurs du Groupe CIEL à faire partie de cette aventure humaine. Parmi, Sandrine Busviah, Senior Client Service Coordinator à la Bank One. Elle est 5ème au classement général féminin, 2ème au classement senior et 1ère au classement général (F) des employés du Groupe CIEL. Rencontre.

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Bank One and IPRO collaborate to create the Sales Challenge

Over the month of June, Bank One’s Private Banking team and IPRO collaborated to create the Sales Challenge – an initiative aimed at encouraging and rewarding the promotion of IPRO’s management services, and more specifically, of its Growth Fund.

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CFEA 2018 - CIEL Textile récompense ses équipes de vente et de marketing

La première édition du CIEL Textile Chairman’s Front-End Excellence Award 2018 (CFEA), s’est tenue le samedi 20 octobre dans l’ancienne usine de Ferney, tranformée spécialement pour cet événement centré autour de l’innovation. Le titre principal, à savoir le « Chairman’s Marketing Excellence Award » qui vient récompenser l’équipe ayant démontré le meilleur niveau d’excellence, a été attribué à Laguna Inde tandis que le trophée de « Best Design & Product Development Team » est allé à Aquarelle Inde. Le prix du «Best Front-End Back Office Team» a été, quant à lui, raflé par l’équipe de Tropic Knits Maurice dirigée par Charline Le Corre.

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CIEL Ferney Trail 2018 : succès soutenu avec plus de 3 500 inscrits

La onzième édition du CIEL Ferney Trail aura lieu le 15 septembre 2018 dans le sud-est de Maurice. Cet événement unique par sa dimension et la beauté de ses paysages connaît le même succès de participation qu’en 2017, avec plus de 3 500 inscrits – quand ce chiffre record avait été atteint. Les derniers détails du CIEL Ferney Trail 2018 ont été révélés ce mercredi 29 août 2018 au cours d’une conférence de presse au siège du groupe CIEL à Ebène, en présence des organisateurs et des représentants des sponsors. Les personnes inscrites et les accompagnateurs peuvent consulter le site web et le compte Facebook de l’événement pour des précisions au sujet de leurs courses respectives.

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La Vallée de Ferney dévoile de nouveaux panneaux pédagogiques sur la conservation de la faune et la flore endémique

Un partenariat public-privé qui porte ses fruits Ferney, le 25 août 2018 – Un ensemble de panneaux informatifs sur la ré-introduction de plusieurs espèces d’oiseaux et de plantes endémiques a été dévoilé ce jour dans le magnifique sanctuaire naturel de La Vallée de Ferney par la ‘Global Manager’ de la GEF Small Grants Programme – UNDP, Madame Yoko Watanabe, le PS du Ministère de l’Agro-Industrie et de la Sécurité Alimentaire, Monsieur Boyramboli, le Directeur de la Conservation du Mauritian Wildlife Foundation, Vikash Tatayah et par le Chief Executive Officer du Groupe CIEL, Jean-Pierre Dalais, en présence d’une vingtaine d’invités.

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Dossier Business Magazine : CIEL poursuit son offensive africaine

Avec un chiffre d'affaires de Rs18,53 Mds au 30 juin 2016, CIEL est en 3e position du Top 100 Companies. Une performance liée, notamment, à ses activités sur le continent africain, où le groupe s'affirme de plus en plus.

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Pami Kular, Head of Sustainability - CIEL Textile : "nous pouvons contrôler 80% de l’impact environnemental des vêtements que nous produisons... au moment du design de nos produits."

Interview dans Le Défi Quotidien, par Sneha Peryagh - 6 août 2018 Le développement durable est un enjeu pour toutes les industries et pas uniquement pour le secteur du textile. Toutefois, avec la consommation grandissante de vêtements dans le monde, soit plus de 80 milliards de vêtements fabriqués annuellement, il est important de revoir notre impact sur l’environnement et d’essayer, entre autres, de réduire notre empreinte carbone sur chaque pièce produite en adoptant de nouvelles techniques et outils pour nous accompagner dans cette transformation.

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Ravneet Chowdhury, CEO of Bank One: "My motivation comes from my team"

Interview of Ravneet Chowdhury by Oliver Featherston, in CEO Magazine Bank One is one of Mauritius’ younger banks but, with Ravneet Chowdhury at the helm, it is forging a path towards being one of the island’s big players. The conservation story of the endangered Mauritius kestrel is one of tentative success. In 1974, the recorded population dropped to an all-time low of just four falcons, due to invasive species’ and agricultural chemical use. Numbers have fluctuated since, but the kestrels now number approximately 400, a noted improvement over its record low. It takes a special company to recognise the importance of conservation and do what they can to help. The Mauritius-based Bank One, headed by CEO Ravneet Chowdhury, is one such company.

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Signature d’un accord de partenariat entre Bank One et UnionPay International

L'Express - 20 juillet 2018 Evènement de taille dans l’évolution de Bank One créée en 2008. Après le groupe MCB et SBM Holdings, Bank One s’inscrit sur la liste sélective d’institutions bancaires partenaires de UnionPay International, le porte-drapeau de China UnionPay, dans le cadre de son ambition à se constituer un réseau global de paiement par cartes. L’accord scellant ce partenariat sera signé cet après-midi au siège de Bank One, Port-Louis par Huayong Ge et Ravneet Chowdhury respectivement président d’UnionPay International et Chief Executive Officer de Bank One.

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MITCO celebrates its 25th anniversary by organising several activities

In line with CIEL’s sustainability strategy, MITCO celebrated its Environmental & Sustainability Week from the 9th to the 13th of July, around 5 pillars: Business Ethics, Labour Practices, Environmental Responsibility, Stakeholder Engagement and Satisfaction, and Sustainable Design, Planning and Procurement.

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Lancement de l'unique Service spécialisé d'Évaluation et de Diagnostic de l'Autisme à Maurice (SEDAM)

Ebène, le 19 juillet 2018 – La Fondation CIEL Nouveau Regard et l’ONG Autisme Maurice ont annoncé aujourd’hui le lancement de l’unique service spécialisé d’Evaluation et de Diagnostic de l’Autisme à Maurice (SEDAM). Ce service vient pallier au besoin grandissant d’offrir un service de qualité et accessible à tous, d’autant plus que le nombre de personnes atteintes de troubles du spectre autistique, tout âge et degré confondus, est estimé à 12 000 à Maurice.

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Bank One : Pari sur le numérique

En une décennie, l’omniprésence des technologies numériques a transformé les banques en d’habiles innovateurs. Considéré autrefois comme le secteur le moins technophile des services financiers, l’Asset Management (la gestion d’actifs) relève aujourd’hui le défi. Des affirmations qui trouvent tout leur sens chez Bank One, qui vient de lancer son nouveau site internet dédié aux investissements. Rencontre avec l’équipe du Private Banking.

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David Anderson, CEO du groupe Sun : "Le développement durable, ingrédient essentiel pour le succès"

Le groupe hôtelier Sun vient d'intégrer le SEM Sustainability Index (SEMSI), indice boursier mettant en valeur les sociétés adoptant des pratiques de développement durable. Interview de David Anderson, CEO du groupe Sun par Leon Baya pour Le Mauricien.

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Interview of Hélène Echevin, CIEL Group's Chief Officer - Operational Excellence: "... it all starts with a simple question: "How could it be better?"

Challenging the status quo is second nature to Hélène Echevin. Appointed CIEL Group’s Chief Officer - Operational Excellence back in March 2017, she has over 18 years of experience in operations and project management. We asked her what operational excellence means, how she puts it into practice at CIEL and what is its impact on the community at large.

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Cyril Bougaux, nouveau Directeur de la Communication et des Relations Publiques d’Anahita Mauritius

Alteo Properties, le développeur et promoteur du prestigieux domaine résidentiel d’Anahita Mauritius à l’île Maurice, d’Anahita Golf and Spa Resort et d’Anahita Golf sont heureux d’annoncer la nomination de Cyril Bougaux au poste de Directeur de la Communication et des Relations Publiques d’Anahita Mauritius qui prendra ses fonctions à partir du 1er août 2018.

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How can you positively impact your community ? 7 tips from Caroline Assy-Sohun, coordinator at

Encouraging people to contribute to social actions so as to trigger some form of positive community change. With this end in mind, has launched, in the wake of its 10th anniversary last year, the #EngagezVous campaign, financed by CIEL and spread on social media. Six short videos were shot to portray persons devoting their time, energy and skills to social causes, as a way to make the idea of social engagement sprout in the public mind. Watch these videos on’s homepage or Facebook page.

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#ActForOurEnvironment : CIEL Textile ready to beat plastic pollution!

On Saturday 9 June, CIEL Textile family took a strong stand to beat plastic pollution in our offices, community and daily lives. Creativity, passion and determination were the key ingredients that made the #ActForOurEnvironment day, one which was impactful in terms of awareness, bonding and community engagement! Check out our initiatives !

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#ActForOurEnvironment : CIEL Group celebrates World Environment Day 2018

#WorldEnvironmentDay is the United Nations’ most important celebration of nature with the aim of raising worldwide awareness and encouraging action for the protection of our environment. On this occasion, every year, CIEL's 5 clusters take the opportunity to #ActforOurEnvironment through cleaning campaigns, tree planting activities, inter-department competitions around #BeatingPlasticPollution. Above all, World Environment Day is People’s Day, a chance to act together, with the aim of creating a platform to build greater commitment and foster change. Check out our calendar of activities across our clusters!

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Sun Resorts wins the Sustainable Tourism Award at the International conference on "Digitalization and Sustainable Tourism"

Sun Resorts is proud to have won the first Sustainable Tourism Award issued for the first time by the Ministry of Tourism. It was during the international conference on "Digitalization and Sustainable Tourism" that this prestigious award was presented by the Minister of Tourism, Anil Gayan to Sun Resorts. Sun was represented by Sandrine Petit, Group Director of Marketing and Communication, Ali Abdool, Sustainability Specialist and Saleem Khadaroo, Corporate Manager, Sun Resorts Quality Safety Health and Environment.

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#BouzeMoris: We can all do it!

Every day, so many of our compatriots are launching projects and starting initiatives that help our country progress. These actions bring joy into our hearts and make us proud. This is what encouraged us to launch #BouzeMoris*. Through the website, we want to give these projects and actions a platform that allows people throughout Mauritius to show others what they are doing. We hope these actions will inspire others, and ultimately, help us build a better future together. is a participative platform where we can all share how we are making a difference in Mauritius and also discuss ideas that could make our country a better place. No politics, no polemics, just positivity!

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Le Groupe CIEL lance #BouzeMoris

Une invitation à partager et promouvoir les actions citoyennes et initiatives positives qui feront l’île Maurice de demain .

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Sun Resorts: First hotel group to sign an MOU with the University of Mauritius

SunResorts is pleased to announce that it signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the University of Mauritius (The International Center for Sustainable Tourism and Hospitality), this Tuesday 15 May.This signatory event was held at Sun Resorts Headquarters, Ebène Skies in the presence of the CEO of Sun Resorts, David Anderson and Professor D. Jhurry, CSK, Vice Chancellor, University of Mauritius. This collaboration between Sun Resorts and the University of Mauritius is a first step to strengthen the tourism industry - university linkage with the ultimate goal of promoting sustainable tourism.

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CIEL Textile wins the Innovation & Sustainability Award 2018 at Woolworths Suppliers’ Conference

Kudos to CIEL Textile teams for winning the Innovation & Sustainability Award 20l8 on April 20 ! This yearly event recognises CIEL Textile commitment to produce quality and sustainable products.

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Dr. Suresh Nanda, Head of International Banking at Bank One: "Mauritius can compete with Dubai'

Interview of Dr. Suresh Nanda in Business Magazine No 1329 - 21st-27th of March 2018 “Mauritius is certainly the preferred jurisdiction in Africa for setting up of structures. Over the last few years, we have seen a clear trend where more and more African entrepreneurs are setting up their company structures in Mauritius. This is happening for two main reasons. Firstly, Mauritius is widely recognized as a strong jurisdiction with an excellent reputation and acknowledged stability. Secondly, there is an element of risk in many other parts of Africa and, whilst businessmen may be familiar with those markets and their specificities, they generally prefer the jurisdictional comfort of Mauritius for their corporate headquarters and structures. From our own experience in dealing with East Africa, Southern Africa and parts of West Africa, Mauritius is the choice jurisdiction across all these geographies.”

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L’Ecole Primaire Publique Amboditsiry fait peau neuve avec BNI MADAGASCAR pour son 55ème anniversaire

Un partenariat Public-Privé dynamique au service de l’éducation de base : Unis par une convention de partenariat signée depuis 2017, BNI MADAGASCAR et le Ministère de l’Éducation Nationale (MEN) travaille main dans la main pour offrir à la jeunesse malgache un environnement éducatif épanouissant.

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P. Arnaud Dalais (Business Magazine Yearbook 2018) : "Donnons leur chance aux jeunes..."

Voilà 50 ans que le pays a acquis son indépendance, quel parcours ! La route n’était pas toute tracée, mais nous pouvons être fiers, d’abord, de ce que nous ont laissé nos ancêtres et ensuite, du chemin parcouru depuis. Que ce soit dans l’industrie sucrière, ou les secteurs émergents du textile et de l’hôtellerie, le pays a brillé par sa détermination et par la qualité de ses prestations. Cette envie de progresser a encouragé une diversification plus importante des activités du pays dans les secteurs financiers, de la santé, du tourisme, entre autres. Pionnier dans plusieurs de ces secteurs et afin d’assurer une croissance à long terme, le groupe CIEL, dans sa vision entrepreneuriale, a accompagné ce développement.

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Jean-Pierre Dalais : "En apprenant des experts mondiaux, on s'enrichira..."

Nous célébrons cette année les 50 ans de l’Indépendance de Maurice. Quel chemin parcouru pour ce petit pays au milieu de l’Océan Indien ! Nous pouvons être fiers de notre île Maurice. Que ce soit au niveau économique, géopolitique, culturel ou sociétal, le pays a rapidement évolué, ces dernières années, grâce aux talents locaux et à notre savoir-faire, mais aussi grâce à des partenariats solides, des idées innovantes et une ouverture sur l’international.

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CIEL Group celebrates the 50th Anniversary of the Independence of Mauritius

On the occasion of the 50th Anniversary of the Independence of Mauritius, CIEL Group will be carrying out various activities across its clusters throughout the year, and especially throughout the month of March. These activities have started since last year already with the celebration of the 10th edition of CIEL Ferney Trail and the launch of its new tagline Bouze Moris. This calendar of activities translate CIEL’s commitment to sustainable development in the country.

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CIEL Group rewarded at PwC Corporate Reporting Awards 2018

We are proud to announce that CIEL has been awarded PwC Corporate Reporting Awards (CRA) 2018 for “Online Reporting” and “Risk Management Disclosures”. Bank One has also won the Main Award for the Financial Institutions.

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Interview de Dev Sewgobind par Business Magazine : "Un humaniste au CIEL"

Profondément passionné par l’humain, Dev Sewgobind s’est attelé à la lourde tâche de gérer le facteur humain dans des multinationales. Depuis le début de cette année, il s’est embarqué dans une nouvelle et palpitante aventure au sein du Groupe CIEL.

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CIEL sponsorise l'équipe féminine du Quatre-Bornes Volleyball Club

Le Club féminin du Quatre-Bornes Volleyball Club (QBVBC) s'est envolé pour les Seychelles le mardi 27 février dans le cadre de la Coupe des Clubs Champions de L'Océan Indien - Zone 7 (CCCZ7). Cette compétition est un événement international qui regroupe les meilleures équipes de volleyball de l'Océan Indien, dont Maurice, Rodrigues, Madagascar, Mayotte ou encore les Seychelles, le pays organisateur. Cette 24ème édition se déroulera au Palais des Sports à Mahé du 1er au 10 mars 2018.

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Four Seasons Resort Mauritius at Anahita celebrates Italian Gastronomy

Do you love Italian food? From the 6th to 10th of March, Four Seasons Resort Mauritius at Anahita celebrates the 'Flavours of Italy'. Four Seasons Resort Mauritius at Anahita and local artisan L’Artigiano are set to host a five-day celebration of Italian gastronomy to showcase the talents of four renowned international chefs: Chef Paolo Gionfriddo – our Restaurant Chef of Acquapazza, Chef Giuseppe Iannotti, Chef Vinod Sookar and Pastry Chef Valeria Rispoli.

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CIEL lance un concours ouvert à tous les mauriciens pour créer le logo Bouze Moris

Passionné/e de design, fais toi aussi #BouzeMoris ! C'est quoi #BouzeMoris ? C'est une plateforme numérique mise en place par CIEL pour promouvoir les actions citoyennes, grandes ou petites, qui font Bouze Moris. L'objectif est de créer un élan positif au sein de la population. Ce concours est lancé par CIEL, en partenariat avec le magazine KOZÉ, pour les 50 ans de l'Indépendance de Maurice.

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Four Seasons Resort Mauritius at Anahita : A la découverte des jardins grâce au QR Code

Revue de presse : Côte Nord N'133 - février/mars 2018 Nos hôtels sont posés dans de magnifiques jardins où la flore se décline en variétés multiples tant en couleurs, formes ou floraisons. Bien souvent, nous ignorons leurs origines, leurs histoires, voire leurs noms. Cette lacune a été comblée au Four Seasons Resort Mauritius at Anahita grâce à la visite interactive du jardin, où les clients peuvent découvrir des faits sur la flore des jardins paysagers du Resort grâce à la numérisation des codes Quick Response (QR) sur leur appareil portable.

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New in: Dev Sewgobind, our new Chief Officer - Talent & Culture

We are delighted to announce the appointment of Dev Sewgobind in the position of Chief Officer - Talent & Culture as from 3 January 2018.

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Customer Experience: How do you #GoBeyond?

Across CIEL's clusters, our services have a common objective: customer satisfaction. CIEL's motto since 2014, "Beyond Horizons" is a promise to relentlessly challenge the status quo, to overcome obstacles and to push the limits. Let's see how our team members "Go Beyond" to deliver the best service to our customers.

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Arnaud Dalais : Les enseignements de ses 40 ans de carrière

Le Chairman du Groupe CIEL, P. Arnaud Dalais, a fêté en 2017 ses 40 ans de carrière. Celui qui a repris les rênes du Groupe en 1991, à l'âge de 36 ans, suite à la disparition de son père Sir Pierre Dalais, partage avec nous quelques-uns des enseignements qu'il a puisés de ses quatre décennies au... CIEL.

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Transforming waste into art pieces

What if old hotel uniforms were transformed into art pieces? Showing much creativity in its approach, Sun Resorts has partnered with the Fashion & Design lnstitute (FDI) to launch the Sew Chic Project. The group, managing five hotels in Mauritius and in the Maldives, has donated old staff uniforms to FDI students. Kanuhura also participates in this initiative by donating its old uniforms to local institutions and local communities in Maldives.

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Building our ability to sustain

As a major listed investment Group in Mauritius, CIEL is well conscious of its long-term responsibility in ensuring and promoting a sustainable way of doing business. With footholds in more than 10 countries, the Group has taken a number of initiatives. Recently, the Building our Ability to Sustain booklet was published to showcase and promote some of these initiatives amongst employees and local communities, investors and customers.

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A strong stand for social inclusion and environmental protection in Mauritius

lt was more than a race. On the 9th of September, over 3,500 participants gathered in the early hours of the morning for the 10 th edition of the CIEL Ferney Trail. During the past nine years, the CIEL Ferney Trail has grown up to become a major event in the local sport calendar. This year, the event went beyond its sporting dimension to put people at the centre, with a new tagline: "Bouze Moris !".

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Adjusting to customers’ needs

Excellence at Core Innovation is often a prerequisite for offering bespoke services. It is daring to challenge the status quo and to overcome obstacles lying ahead. BNI Madagascar provides the perfect example of this spirit through the development of mobile banking services, such as the Bank to Wallet and Wallet to Bank service launched in September. This service is unparalleled since it is cost-free for all BNI customers.

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Caring for people is our duty

Compassion, empathy and devotion are words that ho/d strong meaning for employees in our Healthcare cluster. Throughout the years, this portfolio has kept growing and expanding beyond Mauritian shores. ln our 6 hospitals, 36 clinics and 1 accredited Testing Laboratory, situated in Mauritius, Nigeria and Uganda, our employees have played key rotes in our development.

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How do we go beyond?

CIEL unveils its Purpose Statement and Values which reflect the DNA of the Group since 1912 while providing a simple yet compelling north star and operating frame for its future. In today's world where competition comes from everywhere, our greatest competitive advantage is indeed our unique way of doing business.

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Jean-Pierre Dalais, Group Chief Executive of CIEL talks about CIEL's New Purpose and Values

Editorial: Jean-Pierre Dalais, Group Chief Executive of CIEL by Horizons Magazine, No 18, December 2017. ...Our products and plant operations can always be copied but the energy and meaning we put in our actions make us truly unique. It is our Purpose and what we stand for, our values that guide our actions and our way of doing business. I'm therefore very excited to unveil our new Purpose Statement: For a World we can all feel proud of...

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From manufacturing to fashion design

The Mauritian textile industry has come a long way. From a mere manufacturing industry, it is relentlessly reinventing itself and further pushing the frontiers. As a major actor in this sector, CIEL Textile has consistently reengineered itself by adopting a holistic approach to enlarge its range of services and products. Tropic Knits, along with the other groups of the textile cluster, has embraced this transition and substantially revisited its offer.

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Jayen Veeren : « C’est une fierté de travailler chez CIEL »

Si CIEL était une équipe de rugby ou de football, on se serait référé à lui comme le 2e joueur le plus capé de l’effectif… juste après P. Arnaud Dalais, l’actuel Chairman du groupe. Et pour cause, Jayen Veeren, Deputy-Head Messenger, a fêté en octobre ses 40 années de service dans le groupe.

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Interview of Dr Suresh Nanda, Head of International Banking at Bank One

Interview by : Dr Suresh Nanda, Head of International Banking at Bank One, shares his views on the way forward for the forthcoming Blueprint for the financial services sector, and suggests that Mauritius should take the lead in focusing on collaboration between Banking, FinTech and Telcos to become a strong global hub for new generation banking, as global boundaries disappear.

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CIEL and Tropic Knits support Porlwi by Nature

It will surely be one of the highlights of Porlwi by Nature Festival. The CIEL One Beat One Tree Project, which is sponsored by the Group, is an art-piece that will recreate a virtual 3D forest using light effects. This creation is the work of Naziha Mestaoui, artist and architect, who is committed to reforestation programmes in different countries throughout the world. The Porlwi by Nature Festival will run from November 29 up to December 3.

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Get your Christmas gifts and decorations at the Marché de Noël Solidaire

The Marché de Noël Solidaire is back. This annual initiative of and the Fondation CIEL Nouveau Regard is rolling once again for its 6th edition. This market will allow the public at large to buy Christmas decorations and gifts. Save these dates: November 30 at Caudan Waterfront and December 8 at Phoenix Mall.

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Aquarelle Grand Bois wins the CIEL Textile Chairman's Manufacturing Excellence Award 2017 in Bangalore, India

The CIEL Textile Chairman's Manufacturing Excellence Award 2017, rewarding the three garment making units of CIEL Textile (namely Floreal Knitwear, Tropic Knits and Aquarelle Clothing) took place on October 15 in Bangalore, India. CIEL Group's directors and the top management of CIEL Textile were all present at the award ceremony.

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Anahita Mauritius: A unique place to be discovered

Anahita is real estate development at its best. Located on the East Coast of Mauritius, this luxury real estate sanctuary offers one of the best lifestyles on the island. Further expanding in its northern parcels, Anahita preaches a holistic approach to offer high-end services and products. A video was released few weeks ago, giving a hint about the worldclass facilities, postcard landscapes and fairy experiences in this haven of peace.

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Falaise Rouge invites you for culinary discoveries

Looking for yummy local cuisine? The restaurant Falaise Rouge will definitely suit your taste buds. Situated on the southeast coast of the island, Falaise Rouge has recently revisited its offer. The restaurant, which opens everyday for lunch, now offers a buffet meal with the best and quite uncommon Mauritian dishes.

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MITCO, our Trust & Services company opens international representative offices in Africa

MITCO, our Trust and Corporate Services Group, extends its network on the African continent. This subsidiary of CIEL Finance Limited has opened three international representative offices in Africa in August. With offices in Durban (South Africa) and in Seychelles, MITCO is now present in Abidjan (Ivory Coast), in Nairobi (Kenya) and in Johannesburg (South Africa).

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Discussion with Eric Dorchies, the new Chief Operating Officer of CIEL Textile

CIEL Textile Limited has a new Chief Operating Officer ! After +/- 20 years in top leadership roles in CIEL Textile, and 14 years as Chief Executive Officer of the Woven Cluster of CIEL Textile (also known as Aquarelle Group), Eric Dorchies talks about his vision as the new COO of CIEL Textile Ltd.

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Interview of Zaynab Khodabocus, Environmental Manager at Tropic Knits Group in ASOS's supplier newsletter

Tropic Knits Group, key supplier for brands in the global market, has initiated in 2015 a 5-year plan regarding Sustainability at work. ASOS interviewed Zaynab Khodabocus, Environmental Manager at Tropic Knits Group, for its supplier newsletter, to gain an insight into their stance on implementing sustainability.

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Interview de Guillaume Passebecq, Head Private Banking and Wealth Management chez Bank One par Investor's Magazine

Interview de Guillaume Passebecq, Head Private Banking and Wealth Management chez Bank One par Investor's Magazine : “Les clients fortunés recherchent de l’indépendance, une flexibilité et un tarif adapté » Guillaume Passebecq qui a été nommé Head of Private Banking à Bank One, il y a environ 5 mois évoque, pour Investor’s, la tendance actuelle en termes de Private Banking dans le monde. Il nous parle aussi de la généralisation de « l’architecture ouverte ».

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Festival Ile Courts : 3 conseils de David Constantin pour réaliser un court-métrage

Dans le cadre du Festival Ile Courts qui se tiendra du 10 au 15 octobre 2017 à Maurice, nous avons posé 3 questions à David Constantin, réalisateur mauricien connu pour ses nombreux films à travers le monde. Si vous souhaitez vous lancer dans la réalisation d'un court-métrage, voici ses conseils...

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Salon Made in Femmes : Celebrating women entrepreneurship in the region

What does it take to become an entrepreneur? You surely need fresh ideas. But also passion, commitment and the guts to materialise them. The 150 exhibitors for the 2nd edition of the Salon Made in Femmes have shown such appetence. Valuing entrepreneurship, CIEL could not but support this event that will take place from September 29 to October 1 at the Domaine Les Pailles. This event is an initiative of Entreprendre au Féminin ocean Indien (EFOI), an association regrouping women entrepreneurs in the region.

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CIEL, longstanding partner of Île Courts Film Festival

Île Courts Festival turns 10 this year. Since its inception in 2007, the festival has brought a major contribution to film making in Mauritius. Driven by the association Porteurs d’Images, the festival has come a long way to get its place in the cultural landscape. This 10th edition will run from October 10 to October 15. Eager to support cultural development in the country, CIEL remains committed to Île Courts Festival by being, once again, amongst its benefactors.

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Consolidated Fabrics Ltd (CFL) remporte le Chairman's Manufacturing Excellence Award 2017 de CIEL Textile

Samedi 23 septembre 2017, Pailles – Le « CIEL Textile Chairman’s Manufacturing Excellence Award » récompensant les unités du Groupe à forte intensité de capitaux s’est tenu le samedi 23 septembre au Swami Vivekananda International Convention Centre. Trois unités de CIEL Textile, CDL Knits, Consolidated Fabrics Ltd (CFL) et Ferney Spinning Mills Ltd (FSM) étaient concernées par ce concours.

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10th edition of the CIEL Ferney Trail: a strong stand for social inclusion and environmental protection in Mauritius

It was more than a race. On the 9th of September, over 3500 participants gathered in the early hours of the morning for the 10th edition of the CIEL Ferney Trail. During the past nine years, the CIEL Ferney Trail has grown up to become a major event in the local sport calendar. This year, the event went beyond its sporting dimension to put people at the heart of this event, which tagline was rightly put: “Bouze Moris !”.

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CIEL Textile mise sur l’innovation pour assurer une croissance durable

"Miser sur l'innovation pour assurer une croissance durable", tel était le mot d'ordre des deux rendez-vous stratégiques annuels de Tropic Knits Group & d'Aquarelle Group qui ont eu lieu un peu plus tôt ce mois-ci. Le but de ces deux rencontres stratégiques : faire un point sur l'actuel positionnement des deux entités, faire un bilan de l'année écoulée, et surtout échanger autour des attentes des clients et de l'évolution du monde du Textile.

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How are pullovers made ?

Sweaters and pullovers: one of winter’s trendiest, softest and warmest treats to throw on or bundle in during cold snaps. While the early sweaters were hand-knit from start to finish, have you got an idea how these garments are made in this modern era?

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2007-2017: The evolution of

To generate awareness, restore the respectability of social work and to shed light on work done by Mauritian social actors. Such is the endeavour of Founded 10 years back, in 2007, by Fondation CIEL Nouveau Regard, ACTogether is a social platform created to act as a communication support for NGOs engaged in specific spheres of our society – namely the fields of poverty, health, disability, exclusion and education.

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BNI Madagascar opens its 61st agency

BNI Madagascar is two steps closer to its clientele, having just inaugurated its 60th and 61st agencies in Sabotsy Namehana and Miarinarivo respectively in the month of July 2017

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Interview of Thierry Hugnin, Co-Founder and Managing Partner of Kibo Capital Partners by Investor's Magazine

Thierry Hugnin sur le Kibo Fund II : «  Nous venons de réaliser notre quatrième investissement » Thierry Hugnin, co-fondateur et Managing Partner de Kibo Capital Partners, offre son analyse sur les perspectives en Afrique. Il détaille aussi pour Investor’s les deux fonds lancés par la compagnie spécialiste du private equity.

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Interview of Jean-Pierre Dalais, Group Chief Executive of CIEL by Mémento Magazine

Interview de Jean-Pierre Dalais, Group Chief Executive de CIEL par Mémento Magazine, le mensuel des Outre-Mer et de l'Océan Indien, No 459. La stratégie d'investissement, initiée il y a trois ans, par le groupe CIEL porte ses fruits. Effectivement, le groupe est de plus en plus tourné et positionné sur les économies émergentes, celles qui feront le marché de demain. Rencontre avec Jean-Pierre Dalais, Group Chief Executive de CIEL.

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Applying our sustainability pillars in CIEL's day-to-day business

Through the release of CIEL’s Sustainable Initiatives Information Booklet entitled Building Our Ability to Sustain, the group has unveiled the five pillars around which its actions are undertaken, and shows its commitment to sustainability vis-à-vis its stakeholders and anchoring its position as a responsible and sustainable entity.

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10th edition of CIEL Ferney Trail: “Bouze Moris”

Created and launched in 2008 under the impulse of four employees from CIEL, the CIEL Ferney Trail was crafted to allow Mauritians to discover the Vallée de Ferney through a sports event, while simultaneously conveying the group’s values at large.

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Amethis Finance, valued partner of CIEL Finance Ltd

Zoom on our partners : What better way to mark the French National Day, this 14th of July, than through the celebration of the rock-solid long-term partnership between CIEL Finance and the Paris-based group Amethis Finance? On the 25th of February 2015, both groups teamed up to to expand their footprint in Africa and the Indian Ocean.

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TEDxALC: Great stories from African leaders worth sharing

Are you familiar with TED Talks? Based on the short talk model, TEDx Talks are a showcase for speakers presenting great, well-formed ideas in 18 minutes or less. Following the motto of “ideas worth spreading”, these talks are medium to present novel ideas, concepts and inventions to the audience, often coupled with new arguments that challenge beliefs and perspectives. A concept adopted by students on local ground to create the first ever TEDxALC. This year, CIEL is proud to sponsor the 2nd edition of TEDx ALC in Mauritius.

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Le pigeon rose, oiseau endémique de l’île Maurice, retrouve son habitat naturel à la Vallée de Ferney

Des pigeons roses (aussi connus comme ‘pigeons des mares’), un oiseau rare endémique de Maurice, ont été lâchés ce jour dans le magnifique sanctuaire naturel de la Vallée de Ferney par le Ministre de l’Agro-Industrie et de la Sécurité Alimentaire, l’Honorable Mahen Seeruttun, en présence d’une cinquantaine d’invités.

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Interview de Delphine Bouic, manager de la Fondation CIEL Nouveau Regard

Dans le cadre des 10 ans de la plateforme, partons à la rencontre de Delphine Bouic, manager de la Fondation CIEL Nouveau Regard, la fondation qui gère et finance cette plateforme de communication pour les ONG locales.

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CFO Forum : A new exchange platform

Since the beginning of 2017, CIEL has initiated an exchange group through the organisation of quaterly CFO forums.

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CIEL Group more than ever connected with nature

In the wake of the World Environment Day, CIEL group celebrated the event through various initiatives which resonnated across all its clusters.

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CIEL Group reports on its sustainability initiatives for 2016

By creating value while simultaneously seeking for a balance between economic, social and environmental axes, the group has recently published its first collection of Sustainability Initiatives for the year 2016. Entitled “Building our Ability to Sustain”, this online document illustrates some of the initiatives undertaken within CIEL’s five clusters...

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Investing in Africa's dynamism

With the fastest growing middle-class incomes and 7 countries in the top 10 dynamic economies from around the world, Africa is not only a continent conducive to investment, but one with major growth opportunities and business potential. Between consumer spending by Africans expected to double by 2020 and the United Nations predicting Africa’s population growth to top the list by 2050, CIEL did not wait for the shifting demographics to start investing in the continent.

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Ciel Group celebrates World Environment Day

On the occasion of World Environment Day, celebrated on the 5th of June 2017, CIEL Group will be carrying out various activities across its clusters throughout the month of June. These activities translate CIEL’s commitment to sustainable development. The theme chosen by the United Nations this year is “Connecting People to Nature”. In this regard, and in order to sensitize the public at large, the companies of CIEL Group have prepared a calendar of activities throughout the month of June.

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New Core Banking System at BNI Madagascar

This 10th of April 2017, BNI Madagascar has gone from “ISBA” core banking system to “Amplitude”. What has changed? This migration infers a real technological revolution which will enable the bank to provide more effective banking services to its customers. In line with the launch of its new campaign “Bank of Tomorrow”, the BNI Madagascar website ( has been revamped and a new Internet & Mobile Banking has been launched offering now digital transaction facilities to its users.

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CIEL reinforces its transaction capabilities

Say “Hi” to Yogesh Kissoondary, our new Corporate Finance Executive at CIEL Corporate Services (CCS). At CIEL, his primary mission will consist in leading and providing support to the leadership for strategic corporate transactions. The latter will include dealings such as mergers, acquisitions and restructuring for both CIEL Limited and the group’s five clusters. Here are Yogesh’s tips for a successful transaction...

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CIEL Group undertaking two major transactions in the Textile and Hotels & Resorts clusters

CIEL Group has recently launched two significant strategic transactions: • A voluntary offer from CIEL to acquire all the ordinary shares of CIEL Textile Limited (‘CTL’) not already held by CIEL – CIEL being the existing majority shareholder with 56.31%, and • A 1.865 billion capital injection in SUN Limited (“SUN”) through a Rights Issue of MUR746.1 million and a private placement for an amount of MUR1.12 billion to a subsidiary of Dentressangle Initiatives SAS.

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Thierry Hugnin: Financial risk is the main issue for Private Equity in Africa

Interview of Thierry Hugnin by Fraser Schurer-Lewis for Platform Africa : Thierry Hugnin is the Co-founder and Managing Partner of Kibo Capital Partners (KCP), a leading private equity management company domiciled in Mauritius with assets totalling $100 million USD. Hugnin is a committed advocate of Africa as a continent offering attractive opportunities for private equity. Platform Africa spoke to Hugnin in London at the annual AFSIC (African Financial Services Investment) conference at the beginning of May, where he participated in a panel discussion on the investment opportunities in Southern Africa’s Financial Services Sector.

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Ex-Apollo Bramwell Hospital devient Wellkin Hospital

Suite au rachat de l’ex-hôpital Apollo Bramwell par The Medical and Surgical Centre Limited (‘MSCL’), filiale de CIEL Healthcare, le 20 janvier dernier, le nouveau nom de l’hôpital a été dévoilé, lundi 8 mai 2017, lors d’un événement dans l’enceinte de l’établissement, en présence du Vice-Premier Ministre et Ministre de l’énergie, l’Honorable Ivan Collendavelloo, de l’ensemble du personnel hospitalier, des partenaires de l’hôpital et du nouveau management. Désormais connu sous le nom de Wellkin Hospital, la gestion de l’hôpital est assurée par Fortis Healthcare, leader des services de santé opérant 54 hôpitaux et centres de soins dans le monde.

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New investment in healthcare in Nigeria

In March 2017, Hygeia Nigeria Limited, an associate company of CIEL Healthcare in Nigeria, concluded the acquisition of Gold Cross Hospital, a 35 bedded multi-specialty hospital in Lagos.

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Increased focus on ethics at CIEL

The Board of CIEL Ltd has approved a new Code of Ethics at CIEL’s level which should be shared and implemented in the near future. This step will anchor further our group in good governance principles with our employees abiding by strict ethical standards. In the same vein, CIEL Limited obtained a Corporate Membership Certificate and is now an official Gold Corporate Member of Transparency Mauritius, demonstrating its commitment towards good and solid governance.

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340 visitors at La Vallée de Ferney on 12 March 2017

The number of nature lovers who visited La Vallée de Ferney on the 12th of March 2017. At the heart of their national duty for biodiversity, La Vallée de Ferney invited all Mauritians to celebrate Independence Day while exploring the forest and walking through mountains.

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Coming up soon : CIEL's "Purpose Statement"

CIEL is currently working on a redefinition of the group’s purpose, with the view to align CIEL entities and employees around a common vision and reinforce a common way of doing business. As this exercise will come to an end, CIEL will share this reinvigorated vision and values with employees and partners.

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Bank One refurbishes its headquarters

Nearly three decades after it was first built at Sir William Newton Street, Bank One’s flagship has known a major refurbishment in 2016.

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CIEL launches 2 environmental campaigns : "Alime Tengn" & "Pa Zete, Resikle"

CIEL’s Corporate Sustainability Department in collaboration with Ebène Skies Ltd has launched, on March 10th, two simultaneous environmental campaigns.

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New beginnings for ex-Apollo Bramwell hospital

A new chapter has begun for the ex-Apollo Bramwell Hospital. On 20th January, 2017, CIEL Healthcare Limited (“CHL”), through its subsidiary, The Medical and Surgical Centre Limited (‘MSCL’), indeed concluded the purchase of the business operations of this iconic Hospital.

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Aquarelle : Passionate entrepreneurs in action

Pursuing on the theme of entrepreneurship, our interlocutor in this current issue is none other than Aquarelle’s CEO, Eric Dorchies.

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Jean-Pierre Dalais, Group Chief Executive : "We can all be intrapreneurs!"

We must dare to challenge the status quo, to benchmark ourselves against the best and constantly improve.

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Intrapreneurship is the new Entrepreneurship!

Entrepreneurship… We’ve all heard wonderful stories about it: people reaching the zenith of the business scene with an innovative idea, reconverted professionals getting their start-ups bought by corporate giants, and the list goes on

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Happy 10th Anniversary ACTogether!

Founded in 2007 by Fondation CIEL Nouveau Regard, ACTogether is an online platform created to act as a communication and information channel between NGOs and citizens.

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CIEL Textile employees engage in volunteer work : ACT For Our Community program

Involving all CIEL Textile employees willingly dedicating a part of their time for volunteer work in their respective neighbourhoods, the ACT For Our Community program is a philosophy and a way of living that extends to the 20 production units of CIEL Textile around the world.

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Taking the Leap into Africa : the Alteo Case Study

Any entrepreneurial approach implies the ability to identify, exploit and take advantage of opportunities that arise in a market thus ensuring the long-term development and perennity of a company. It sometimes also means taking calculated risks and going beyond set boundaries onto unknown territories. Such was the case for the Alteo Group who applied entrepreneurial techniques as a group for their successful implantation in Africa.

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The Chairman’s Manufacturing Excellence Awards 2017

The Chairman’s Manufacturing Excellence Awards, celebrated each year since 2008, aims to reward the best performing employees of CIEL Textile.

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Bird release at La Vallée de Ferney

An endemic bird release program is ongoing at La Vallée de Ferney since March 2016

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Ferney Trail, 2007-2017 : 10 years' celebrations!

Initiated in 2007, the Ferney Trail is one of the oldest and most popular trails in Mauritius, gathering an average of 2500 participants every year.

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Management lessons from Fabien Galthié

The French rugby coach and former captain of the French National Team, Fabien Galthié, was recently on local ground. Given his experience in team management, he shared with CIEL the lessons learned on the pitch and how they could be applied in the business context.

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Focus on risk management at CIEL with Jean-Michel Nairac

CIEL is pleased to welcome Jean-Michel Nairac as our new Group Risk Officer to further improve CIEL’s risk management framework and processes.

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CIEL supportive of gender diversity in leadership

CIEL was invited to participate in the first Initiative for Gender Diversity in Leadership conference.

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Complete refurbishment for Bliss Restaurant at Anahita

Open since October of last year, Signature’s uniqueness resides in the innovative ways the chef explores and showcases the best Mauritian specialties, inspired by local products and our cultural heritage, omnipresent in our cuisine and recipes.

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New Golf Manager at the Four Seasons Anahita Golf Club

Coming straight from South Africa, Dave Usendorff is the new Golf Manager of the Four Seasons Anahita Golf Club.

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Anahita Spa partners with Thémaé Paris

Since last December, a tea-scented breeze floats around the 600m2 spa area of Anahita Resorts and Spa, and with good reason.

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The revival of Sun Resorts hotel in Maldives : Kanuhura Hotel

The hospitality space is an ever-changing one. Set up in the Maldives, Sun Resorts’ iconic five star Luxury Hotel, Kanuhura, has been in the midst of a major makeover for more than a year and welcomed its first guests in their new décor last December.

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CIEL Group : Mauritian at Heart, Globally Oriented

Looking at CIEL’s global positioning today, one might wonder how the Group transitioned from a modest sugarcane producer back in 1912 to a fully diversified global Group a mere century later. Year after year, the Group has learned to identify and establish new pillars of development. It currently operates across five business clusters in Mauritius, Asia and Africa.

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The importance of operational excellence at CIEL

Jean-Pierre Dalais has been appointed Group Chief Executive, effective as from January 2017. In his interview with us, he unveils CIEL's long term vision, the Group's new priorities, and his thoughts on the importance of operational excellence - at Group level, for stakeholders, and for team members.

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CIEL Healthcare: Growing Strong

Within three years, CIEL Healthcare Limited (CHL) has firmly consolidated its foundations in the health sector. The company has associated itself with eminent partners whilst expanding its scale of operations in sub-Saharan Africa.

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